Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Summer School at West Valley Only. Summer and Fall Registration Happening Now!

With all of the budget cuts, only West Valley is offering a summer nutrition class (online) and only one this year. Keep checking the wait list to see if room becomes available. If you are enrolled, you will need to email me the week before we start to confirm your plan to participate in class. Class starts June 20th and ends July 14th.

As of today, there is plenty of room in either of the West Valley Fall sections (but they do fill-up) and new student registration has begun. Registration at Cabrillo begins on May 11th with 2 face-to-face (F2F) sections and 1 online.

This blog provides basic information about books, schedule, registration, etc. Once school starts, check in our virtual classroom and also our Facebook page for quick updates.

Eat well, play fit!
Denise C. Russo, MS RD CDE


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