Monday, June 10, 2013

Summer School 2013

Welcome to summer school. I look forward to a summer session of learning about nutrition with you! All of my nutrition classes will begin on June 17th and are 4 weeks in duration.  This 4-week course is INTENSIVE and covers all of the information and assignments found in a regular semester. Plan that each week of class is equal to 4 weeks of a full-term class. On average, students report spending 10-20 hours per week on this class. The number one reason for dropping the course is the taking of more than one class while trying to work. Students consistently enjoy the material offered in the class and the organization of our classroom so, with the right study skills, I anticipate a fast 4 weeks of success and learning.

Online classrooms will open by Sunday night. ALL enrolled students should email me between now and June 17th to confirm their plan to participate. In addition, West Valley students enrolled in the class will need to post an introduction post on the discussion board by 11:55 pm, June 17th or you may be dropped from the course to make room for a waitlisted student. Cabrillo students will need to attend the orientation on June 17th at 7 pm or you may be dropped from the course and a waitlisted student added into your place. (If you are not able to attend the orientation, please send me an email by June 16th.)  Once all enrolled students confirm their spot (which is done by June 17th), I will drop any "no-shows" and begin adding from the waitlist first. It is important, if you are wanting to be added, whether on the waitlist or not, that you email me the week before classes begin to request an add code, if one is available. I also encourage students interested in adding to check the schedule daily as between now and then, enrolled students will drop which will move waitlisted students up into the class and make more room available on the waitlist. Please read this blog's sidebar for further information about the course, textbooks, etc.

In addition to encouraging you to clear your calendar to make time to study in the next 4 weeks, I highly recommend that you obtain the book this week. Delays in obtaining the book will prevent your success in this class. We are using the 13th edition. I have had several past students say that they used the 12th edition and felt that it provided them with most (although not all) of the required information. The link I provide in my sidebar does provide the loose leaf book for a lower price (the lowest you will find when combined with the Diet Analysis Plus application) but shipping should be expedited as there is sometimes a delay in the processing of the order.

Below is a tentative schedule for the 4-week summer class:

Week 1: Chapters 1-4
Intro Quiz and Quizzes 1-4 (1 quiz per chapter, 10 multiple choice questions each)
Discussion Block postings: 1-2 per week
Assignment: Complete a computer nutrient analysis of usual food intake, analyze it
with Diet Analysis Plus and answer questions on topics with a focus
on making changes as identified by your analysis and/or, explore a topic/listen to/view information      about a topic on an assigned website or find a scientific research article, and answer
assigned questions. (These are the weekly Assignments.)
All submissions due by the following Monday

Week 2: Chapters 5-7, 14
Quizzes 5-7 (1 of the quizzes will cover 2 chapters, 10 multiple choice questions each)
Discussion Block postings: 1-2 per week
Assignment: Answer questions on Diet Analysis topics with a focus
on making changes as identified by your analysis and/or, explore/listen to/view information about        a topic on an assigned website or find a scientific research article, and answer
assigned questions. (These are the weekly Assignments.)
All submissions due by the following Sunday

Week 3: Chapters 8-9, 18
Quizzes 9-11 (2 of the quizzes will cover 2 chapters, 10 multiple choice questions each)
Discussion Block postings: 1-2 per week
Assignment: Complete, as previously described.
All submissions due by the following Sunday

Week 4: Chapters 15-17, 19
Quizzes 12-15 (1 quiz per chapter, 10 multiple choice questions each)
Discussion Block postings: 1-2 per week
Assignment: See previous description. May include a repeat diet analysis.
All submissions due by FRIDAY of the last week of class.

Please note that Chapters 10-13 are integrated into the assigned learning, either with chapter reading OR as part of an assignment. The above is a tentative schedule with changes possible. Read further on the blog about purchasing the textbook and Diet Analysis Plus. Remember, all students, enrolled, waitlisted and those just wanting to add should email me the week June 10th to either confirm enrollment or to request an add. Add codes, as available, will be provided on June 18th, with all "no-show" students dropped at that time.
Eat well, play fit and I look forward to "meeting" you all in class!
Gmail: nutritionrusso

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