Saturday, November 28, 2009

Spring 2010 Registration

Registration for all sections of Nutrition which I teach (at both Cabrillo College and West Valley College) begins soon. The online sections fill very quickly and will be even further impacted this semester with the loss of a section (budget cuts) at West Valley. If you cannot get registered in a section you prefer, please keep checking back as plans of other students do change. Approximately two weeks before school starts, I will update this blog with information regarding orientations or emailing class participation confirmation (online learners). All registered students will need to email me the week before school starts to confirm their planned participation or, once the first day of classes begins, I will have to count them as a no-show and will be required to drop them from the class. Please feel free to email me if you have further questions and note "Still Need Help" in the subject line so that I know you have checked the blog without finding the answer you need here.
Eat well, stay fit!
Denise C. Russo, MS RD CDE

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