Sunday, April 29, 2018

Summer 2018

Welcome to Nutrition Online. This course is completely online. I am providing you with a virtual orientation that shows you how the class is designed and some important information about our two Learning Management Platforms. (Please keep in mind that these videos are from previous semesters so there will be some subtle changes, but the navigation and overall class design is represented.) The 4-week course is intensive, covering the same content as the full-term course. A tentative schedule follows. If you do not have time to devote to class, and are planning to squeak it in during some spare moments, please reconsider taking this course in the fall. Trust me. This tentative class schedule is subject to change:

Week 1 
Chapters 1, 2, 4, 12: Learn Smart and quizzes, plus 5-day food record and weekly discussion posts (includes video lectures or other material)

Week 2 
Chapters 5, 6, 7, 9, 11: Learn Smart and quizzes, plus assignment 1 and weekly discussion posts (includes video lectures or other material)

Week 3 
Chapters 10, 13, 15, 8, 15: Learn Smart and quizzes, plus assignment 2 and weekly discussion posts (includes video lectures or other material)

Week 4 (Ends Thursday)
Chapters 16, 17, 18, 3: Learn Smart and quizzes, and weekly discussion posts (includes video lectures or other material)
*Above schedule is subject to change and is just an example. 6 week sample will be posted at future date.

Basic Orientation: Cabrillo and West Valley College (not modified for summer)

Information about the textbook and the overall course can be found at the bottom of this blog post.

I use an interactive book, available at a price that is less than my previous book. If you are interested in owning JUST the electronic version (~$90), I will provide that code to you in email the week prior to class, on Canvas and on the syllabus. The code is specific to your particular section so I can not just provide you with an ISBN. If you wish to purchase the softbound book, in edition to the e-version, you can either do that through the link that I supply or in the bookstore. The price for that varies, based on whether you purchase in the book store on via the link. You will also have an opportunity to purchase the softbound book at the McGraw Hill website (the link that I provide) and that will be less expensive than the bookstore. Keep in mind, that purchases from the bookstore have a mark-up so the least expensive option is going to be purchasing through the link that I provide. Also, I do see that you can rent the book on Chegg WITH the Connect Access Code but the option I provide is less money. This code is required for the course.

Perspectives in Nutrition: A Functional Approach, 1st ed (McGraw Hill)
Nutrition is a science-based class. Although there is no science prerequisite for the course, you will be required to learn some basic, scientific principles as part of your learning. You will learn about how the foods we eat affect our bodies, exploring the nutrients individually and in the context of overall diet. All classes will have assigned an adaptive learning tool (homework) for each chapter (Learn Smart) which "encourages" (requires) reading of the book. Online learners will complete weekly quizzes, discussions and 2 projects/assignments (one being a nutrient analysis).  Face-to-face learners will have 2 written exams, 5 pop quizzes, in class activities and 2 assignments (one being a nutrient analysis). Online learners will do most of their learning through the reading of the book and viewing of video lectures on the discussion board. Face-to-face students will do most of their learning via the reading of the book and attending lecture. Overwhelmingly, students review my class as challenging yet very interesting and with a lot of support and enthusiasm from the instructor. In other words, you will work hard but I will provide you with the tools needed and help you (if you ask), as much as possible. And, you will learn information that you can apply to your life.

I hope this answers some of your "getting started" questions. More information will be available the first day of school. You are welcome to email my nutritionrusso account too (it's at gmail, in case you don't already have it).

Eat well, play fit,