Friday, August 27, 2010

August 27th! Countdown To Start of School on 8/30!

IMPORTANT: Orientation for online learners at Cabrillo College will start at 7 pm! The date and room have not been changed. (Monday, room 450)
West Valley students have a virtual orientation at

For the Fall semester, 2010, I will be teaching 3 classes each at West Valley and Cabrillo College. Two of my Cabrillo classes are face-to-face and we will go over all necessary information during our first class meeting. To avoid being dropped as a "no-show" in a face-to-face class, attendance is required.
For all online students enrolled in a class, please send an email on Monday, within your schools online class platform (Angel for West Valley, Blackboard for Cabrillo) to avoid being dropped. You should have received an email from me with further instructions. If you have not received this email, please send one to me using the school directory to locate my email address.
Please explore this blog for more information regarding textbooks, class log-in, etc. Please note that all students will be given directions on how to use an application called Diet Analysis Plus, however you may opt for using free apps at and This will require a bit more work on your part, but will save you the cost of the Diet Analysis application. I look forward to meeting all of you on Monday, either face-t0-face, or virtually.

Eat well, stay fit, Denise

Monday, July 19, 2010

July 19th, 2010
I am on summer vacation! I hope this blog will help you find some useful information. I will be updating it during mid-August, the week before classes begin. At that time, you will also receive an email from me about confirming your planned attendance if enrolled, or how to add if not on the waitlist.
On this site, you will find information about the textbook and also the course management systems used at each of the colleges at which I teach. In addition, please note that for online classes, all of our class meetings are done virtually. I do hold an orientation at Cabrillo but no other class meetings are held for online classes. Students who are hoping to add into an online class will need to email me on the first Monday of the semester, but it will take several days before I know if I can add you. Students hoping to add a face-to-face campus class MUST attend the first day of class. In all classes, I will add from the waitlist first and then, if there is room, I will add other students. If you have further questions, please send me an email with "need reply" in the subject line. However, I will be checking email infrequently during this upcoming month.
In the meantime, eat well, stay fit!
Denise C. Russo, MS RD CDE

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Summer and Fall, 2010
This summer, I will only be teaching one section of Nutrition and that is at West Valley (NS15). Something about a state budget and not being able to offer as many sections as were offered in the past, I hear.
All enrolled students will have access to Angel on the day that school starts, June 21st. I, unfortunately, have jury duty that day so will not be logging into class until early evening. If you are enrolled, you must email me within our class (in Angel) to confirm your spot in the class on Monday the 21st by 5 pm. Otherwise, I will give you spot to a waitlisted student. We have just as many students waitlisted as are enrolled. Since the course is only 4 weeks long, I must give your spot away after the first day if I have not received confirmation from you.
Waitlisted and other students hoping to add will need to email me on Tuesday morning to see if there is room. If I am still on Jury Duty, I will respond Tuesday evening, but my hope is to respond during the morning or afternoon.
Information about textbooks (same as last semester) and logging into Angel can be found on this page by scrolling down to the previous post and looking at the sidebar to the right.
This blog will be updated in August with information about the Fall semester.
Eat well, stay fit,

Friday, January 8, 2010

Textbook for Spring, 2010

Online Learners will need the text book AND Diet Analysis Plus 9.0 access code. There is a free diet analysis program online but it is tedious, doesn't have all of the info (you will have to calculate) and requires that you enter your data at two sites. If you are going to choose that option (saves money), please use the ISBN code for the Face-to-Face class.

Bundled: Understanding Nutrition 12th ed AND Diet Analysis Plus:
ISBN-10: 1-111-114110 ISBN-13: 978-1-111-11411-4

Face-to-Face learners (MW and Hybrid):
Understanding Nutrition: Stand-alone:
ISBN-10: 0-538-73465-5 ISBN-13: 978-0-538-73465-3

Diet Analysis Plus 9.0 access code: stand alone (for those using an older or used text book. Word of caution...the 11th edition will work for the Face-to-Face class but may be missing information for the hybride and online learners).
ISBN-10:0-495-38788-6 ISBN-13:978-0-495-38788-6

Books can be purchased in the bookstore or online from the publisher at:

In addition, the publisher now RENTS the textbook as will the Cabrillo College Bookstore. Rentals from the textbook company always include a new textbook and can be done from the website above. If you are on a budget and usually sell books back, this is an excellent option.

Classes are all currently full. Please keep trying to register as students will drop from enrolled sections up to the start of school and I will add from the waitlist first. If you do not get a spot, you will need to email me on the first day of school to see if I have room.