Greetings Students and Potential Students,
As of 5/31, both online sections of NS 15, Nutrition, at West Valley are full with full waitlists. A 3rd section will be added so please try to register if you have not done so since 6/1. If you do not get enrolled in any of the sections, and are interested in being added, please email me between June 13-15th.
Please, all enrolled students MUST email me within our class in Angel, to confirm planned participation no later than 6 pm June 15th. At this time, I will know how many students I will be able to add. In formation regarding textbook may be found in the sidebar. I HIGHLY recommend you obtain the book and access to Diet Analysis Plus ASAP. In a 4 week class which is almost entirely textbook dependent, you cannot afford to miss a day of reading. Plan to read 5 chapters/week. You will be spending many hours with your nutrition book. :) I will have limited access to email until after June 10th, so please be patient while waiting for a reply. I will update this blog for all Fall semester students after August 12th. However, we will be using the same textbook and Diet Analysis Plus.
Eat well, stay fit,
Denise C. Russo, MS RD CDE